Golf. Sun. Beer. Repeat. Set your out of office messages now because come Friday, June 21st, the only place you’ll want to be is at the Coronado Municipal Golf Course. The 4th Annual Clearway Energy Invitational Golf Tournament is back and better than ever – don’t miss out!
Friday, June 21, 2019
12:00 Lunch | 1:00 Shotgun Start
Coronado Municipal Golf Course
2000 Visalia Row, Coronado, CA 92118
Contest Sponsor ($500)
Sponsor the straightest drive, closest to the pin, or lucky dice contest. Opportunity to send representatives. Signage with company name at the contest location and recognition in the golf program.
Tee Box Sponsor ($300)
Opportunity to send representatives and host an activity, distribute snacks, or share promo materials at assigned tee box. Tent, table, and chairs provided at tee box.

Email Taylor,, to secure your spot.