Advocating for immediate action to reduce crime and improve public safety and cleanliness in Downtown
The Downtown San Diego Partnership has organized a coalition of stakeholders to renew an aligned focus on what is needed for Downtown to be successful. Despite significant steps forward made by coalition efforts in 2022, this progress has not resolved the challenges to the current experience of Downtown for residents, employees, and visitors. Therefore, the Downtown Partnership solicited further feedback from property owners, residents, and businesses to align our collective voices around a new five-point Downtown Safety Plan.
These items have been prioritized to reduce crime and improve public safety and cleanliness in Downtown and include:
Add your voice alongside the Downtown Partnership as someone who cares about our Downtown and wants to see these barriers to its success addressed in substantive, thoughtful, and results-driven ways.
We’re not going to let this plan sit on a shelf! Implementation of the 5-point Safety Plan that advocates for a cleaner and safer Downtown began with a working meeting with Mayor Todd Gloria, the San Diego Police Department, San Diego Fire-Rescue, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, and Downtown businesses and residents. The discussion focused on next steps to put the safety plan in action and what success metrics look like. Some items are more easy to implement than others, some items are already in motion, and some will take more funding and planning. The bottom line is that Downtown needs ALL levels of government (Federal, County, State and City) aligned to work together to address the urgent crises on our streets and sidewalks.
Work to implement the Downtown San Diego Partnership’s 5-Point Safety Plan that advocates for a cleaner and safer Downtown continues. We hosted another working meeting this time with leaders from the County of San Diego. Downtown businesses and residents joined Sheriff Kelly Martinez, District Attorney Summer Stephan, Director of the County of San Diego’s Behavioral Health Services Luke Bergmann, and a representative from Supervisor Nora Vargas’s office to talk about the County’s role in reducing crime and improving public safety and cleanliness in Downtown. We talked about next steps to put our safety plan in action including the implementation of CARE Court, State Senate Bill 43, Prop 36 and Prop 1 funding in Downtown. We know resolving the challenges to the current experience of Downtown residents, employees, and visitors will take the collective alignment of all levels of government.